
1. 研究方向:
2. 联系方式:
3. 教育背景:
4. 工作经历:
2020.08—2022.12 长江大学,乐玩app登录入口,乐玩(中国)官方,讲师;
2023.1-至今 长江大学,乐玩app登录入口,乐玩(中国)官方,副教授。
5. 代表论文:
[1] Wang, N., Xu, Y.H., Wang, F.L., et al. Identification and geochemical significance of unusual C24 tetracyclic terpanes in Shahejie Formation source rocks in the Bozhong subbasin, Bohai Bay Basin. Petroleum Science, 2022.
[2] Wang, N., Xu, Y.H., Li, W., et al. The compositions of biomarkers and macerals in the first member of the Shahejie Formation in the Liaodong Bay subbasin, Bohai Bay Basin: Implications for biological sources and seawater incursions. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 2022.
[3] Wang, N., Wen, L., Li, M., et al. The origin of abnormally 13C-depleted organic carbon isotope signatures in the early Cambrian Yangtze Platform. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 2021.
[4] Wang, N., Li, M.J., Tian, X.W., et al. Climate-ocean control on the depositional watermass conditions and organic matter enrichment in Lower Cambrian black shale in the upper Yangtze Platform. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 2020, 120.
[5] Wang, N., Li, M.J., Liu, X.Q., et al. Geo-chromatographic fractionation effect of methyldibenzofuran in dolomite reservoirs and its application in tracing oil filling pathways in the Sichuan Basin. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 2020.
[6] Wang, N., Li, M.J., Hong, H.T., Song, D.F., Tian, X.W., Liu, P., Fang, R.H., Chen, G., Wang, M.L. Biological sources of sedimentary organic matter in Neoproterozoic-Lower Cambrian shales in the Sichuan Basin (SW China): Evidence from biomarkers and microfossils. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology. 2019, 516: 342-353.
[7] Wang, N., Li, M.J., Tian, X., et al. Main factors controlling the organic matter enrichment in the Lower Cambrian sediments of the Sichuan Basin, SW China. Geological Journal, 2019.
[8] 张小琴,李威,王飞龙,王宁*,徐耀辉,等. 辽东湾地区古近系烃源岩生物标志物特征及其地质意义. 岩性油气藏,2022.
[9] 黄兴,杨海风,王飞龙,徐耀辉,汤国民,王宁*. 渤海湾盆地渤中凹陷西南部沙三段富有机质泥岩沉积环境及形成机理. 天然气地球科学,2022.
[10] 邓美玲,王宁*,李新琦,陈荣涛,刘岩,徐耀辉. 渤海莱州湾凹陷中部古近系沙三段烃源岩地球化学特征及沉积环境. 岩性油气藏,2023.
6. 科研项目:
[2] 2021年湖北省博士后创新研究岗位,2021-2022年,主持;
[4]《渤海海域中南部优质烃源岩特征及形成机理》,中海油天津分公司委托项目, 2020-2022年,参与;
7. 奖励荣誉:
[1]《油藏地球化学关键技术及其在油气勘探中的应用》,中国石油和化学工业联合会, 科技进步三等奖,2021;
[3] 2020年和2021年“Petroleum Science”杂志优秀青年编委;
[4] 2019年第九届全国油气运移学术研讨会优秀报告论文;
[5] 2016年硕士研究生国家奖学金。
8. 社会兼职:
[1]担任“Petroleum Science”杂志青年编委(2020-2022年);